“I want to be a member of the AMA Council on Medical Service so I can use my voice and share my diverse experience to make things better for all of us.”

I have devoted much of my professional career to organized medicine and working with my colleagues in the American Medical Association House of Delegates. Together, we work hard to remove barriers for access to care, address social determinants of health, maintain economic viability of our practices, and fight administrative burdens that interfere with the sacred patient doctor relationship - and we strive to bring back joy into the practice of medicine.

Throughout my tenure as President of the Massachusetts Medical Society and Chair of the Massachusetts AMA delegation, I have witnessed how physicians, working together, can move meaningful payment reform and ensure our patients get the care they need and deserve.

Through a lens of justice and equity, I will bring the perspective of an “in the trenches primary care physician” who has walked the talk. It is crucial that we examine the social and economic barriers to healthcare so we can eliminate them and expand health care delivery in our nation. Together, we must insist on the delivery of quality affordable care within the context of the social injustices and economic challenges our patients encounter, all while enabling physicians to have meaningful lives and careers.

I am the right person at the right time. Our Council on Medical Service needs additional primary care members who are experienced in working to overcome the challenges that physicians and their patients are facing during these difficult times. By having multiple perspectives adequately represented on the Council we can best work together to look at the whole picture and find the right path forward.

Ask my colleagues at MMS, and they will tell you that I have been able to work with them to build consensus and get things done. I would be honored to have the same opportunity to work on your behalf as a member of the AMA Council on Medical Service.